Friday, May 27, 2011

Writing this as  a quick catch up as Pat and I are about to leave for the airport. Here’s what’s been going on, without any pithy comments…
- Left Killarney
- Stopped at the Rock of Cashel (neither a pub nor a professional wrestler, the Rock of Cashel is the ruins of an ancient fort and cathedral 
- Marty, John, and I got to Dublin and began sightseeing and pubbing.
- Picked up Pat and Donna at the airport early Wednesday morning. They didn’t sleep on the airplane either.
- Continued sightseeing and pubbing. Pat and Donna were troopers - made it to almost 7:00.
- On Thursday, more sightseeing, shopping, and, well, you know what else. Doheny and Nesbit is right down the street from our B&B. Doheny and Nesbit is a great old pub in the Georgian District, and packed after work with folks in suits and ties. The  bartender told us all the regulars are lawyers and politicians from local offices. We went back there anyway. Just made sure we held onto our wallets and ethics tightly.
- Took Marty, Donna, and John to the airport this morning. Marty and Donna to Lisbon, and we’ll meet them back at the Dublin Airport on Wednesday. John’s heading back to CLT and promises to add his thoughts to the blog.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great hike. A wonderful way to slow down and see the country. I just downloaded 975 pictures from my camera to iPhoto. Marty & Alan may have close to the same so look for future posts with more pictures when we get the chance.

    I think I have a picture of most of the meals we ate while hiking. Don't let anyone tell you that this is a great way to lose weight. Yes, the exercise you get while going up one mountain and down the next and walking 16 to 18 miles is great, but between the evening meals and "full irish breakfast" each morning you don't stand any chance of reducing that bulge.
