Sunday, May 22, 2011

Heavy Metal, Now I Know the Answer

Heavy Metal asked an enigmatic question about a picture I posted the first day of the walk. I didn't know how to answer it until today. One of the reasons I didn't know how to answer it is because I didn't know who "Heavy Metal" is. When the answer to the question came to me, I immediately figured out who Heavy Metal is.  What a great metaphor!

The picture is below.

The answer came in a flash today when the three of us were walking down an old rocky road through Killarney National Park and, strangely, Marty belted out a line from an old MGM movie.

The question was: "What are those painted yellow lines down the sides of the road?"

The answer is: They're not painted lines, they're....


  1. Color me "CONFUSED." I don't get it.

  2. i must have missed something...where's the answer to the question?

  3. Well Alan I made it home safe to Charlotte. I am just finishing up reading the Blog and I think all of us were wrong on who "Heavy Metal" is. If you had let Marty and I read the blog while we were on the hike I could have told you after the first post. You failed to mention it was signed "honer" I believe that is my long time friend Don Hone. We grew up together in Wooster, but we always called him "honer" or “howdy” because one of other buddies was also named Don.

    Great Pictures and nice commentary Alan, thanks for doing this. It was a wonderful trip. Now I need to figure out how to get some pictures of Alan on the blog. It is now midnight in Ireland so I am headed to bed. I promise to write more tomorrow.

