Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh, Kerry.

It's been over seven months now since Marty Szabo and I went hiking in Ireland. Last September we spent eight days hiking the Dingle Way in the Southwest part of the country, and early this year we (we, being all of us Breakfast Club hiking buddies) started discussing where to go next. We started with a long list of possibilities, including Spain, France, Italy, England, Scotland, and, well, Ireland again. It didn't take a lot of discussion between Marty and me for both of us to recognize that our first choice would be to go back to the Emerald Isle. The people we met were wonderful, the country beautiful, the hiking terrific, and Marty and I are still looking for the perfect pour. And this time, John Nelson is going with us. 

(I might change my name for the trip so that the three of us going could be Abraham, Martin and John.) 

We're leaving Sunday for Dublin (so John can bolt after posting the final grades for his architecture students), and on to Glenbeigh, to hike the Kerry Way. The Kerry Way circles the Iveragh peninsula in southwest Ireland, just south of the Dingle Peninsula and the Dingle Way. Once again, Deirdre O'Sulllivan at Tailor Made tours  ( has organized the trip. Once again, we're doing eight days hiking with seven nights in B&B's, and evenings in villages soaking up the local color. We're not doing the entire loop of the Kerry Way, which would take a couple more days. We're going to start in Glenbeigh in the northern part of the peninsula, and end in Killarney.

After the hike, we've got a couple of stops in southern Ireland planned, then return to Dublin.  When we get back to Dublin, things get complicated. Wives. Pat and Donna are flying to Dublin to meet us. We were hoping Debi could come as well, but someone has to keep the home fires burning.

From Dublin, our itineraries separate. John comes home, Marty and Donna head to Lisbon, and Pat and I go to London. Then Marty, Donna, Pat, and I come back to Dublin for some more time in Ireland.

I told you it got complicated. You'll have to follow the blog to see what really happens.



  1. Looking forward to hearing all the updates! have a pint for me - yeah, like that wasn't going to be happening anyway!

  2. I know we will get a lot more requests to "have a pint for me", which I know we will be willing and able to oblige! - We will just have to go a little easier on the Irish whiskey on this trip!

  3. Sounds like a great trip and I look forward to reading the blog. Yes, it would be fun to join you, but unfortunately I'm not lucky enough to be retired yet or have the summer off ! Have fun !

  4. Have a great trip. I will be periodically monitoring from my new retirement seat in my former Pfizer office. Someday I would love to be involved in a trip like this.


  5. Have fun and have a safe flight.

  6. So thrilled for you guys! Another great adventure awaits. Keeps us posted with stories and pics. I plan to live vicariously through you from my cube!

  7. Have fun guys! Keep Marty out of the rain. We'll expect full reports and lots of photos. Costco Tue and Golf Wed here based on weather - thought you'd want to keep up with it? Wish you were here to split some Genoa Salami or a case of Stella's. We'll struggle on. Stay safe!

  8. Waiting for some updates! What are you guys doing over there? !!

  9. Hey, where's the post with pics and stuff. Just to keep you up to date here on the important stuff, I lost the hot do toss and Dick and I split some bagels at costco. Had to move golf to thursday due to weather, and despite strong advice from Dick and I to the contrary about the dishwashing tablets, Bill bought the powder version of Cascade. Thought you and Marty needed that info. This blog thing has more security then my well fargo account.

  10. Hmmmm - guess we're having to wait 3 days for a post. You guys must be spending too much time in the pubs at night.

  11. Another well written blog! nice job Alan. You all look great!! Sounds like fun,,,,haha
    See you all soon. Pray it warms up a little.

