Friday, May 20, 2011

Caherdaniel to Sneem

Today we turned the corner at the southwest part of the Iveragh peninsula, and headed east. Total mileage for today was 11 miles, and instead of walking along ridges, for much of today we were crossing them. But heading east means the wind was at our backs.

The weather today was the best it’s been yet.  No rain, partly cloudy, and the sun was in and out throughout the day.  A bit of a roller coaster day, but great walking across fields, meadows of wildflowers, and back roads.

Our B&B tonight, the Coomassig View, is the nicest B&B yet. Turns out the Irish couple who runs it lived in Boston for 20 years (the husband is associated somehow with Irish football), and moved back to Ireland 5 years ago with their three young kids. Their  B&B is on the outskirts of the small village of Sneem. You could say it’s in the snuburbs.

Sneem is the largest village we’ve been to yet. That doesn’t mean it’s big - maybe three blocks long in total. But the layout is interesting. There’s a one lane stone bridge in he middle of town, crossing the rapids of the Sneem River, and a town square on each side of the bridge.

We ate at Danny O’Shea's Pub tonight. Cod and Chips, Fisherman’s Pie, and  Chicken and Leek pie. All of it great.

It turns out Sneem is having an inaugural 50 mile walk  in 20 hours for charity tomorrow. It kicks off at 5:00 am, so we’ll miss the crowds, and most of their route is on roads anyway. Our route tomorrow is 18 miles, a long day, but much of it along the coast.

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