Monday, May 23, 2011

Best Lines of the Last Couple of Days

We were stopped for a break in Killarney National Park, in an area where we were passing day hikers. A couple came by walking briskly with a terrier on a leash. I made a passing comment about how tough it must be for a small dog with short legs to keep up on a long walk.

Marty replied: “I can relate.”

More Best:
Sitting at the bar in a pub in Kenmare. There was an American couple a couple of seats down asking the bartender questions (too many) about the ring of Kerry. The ring of Kerry is a popular drive around the Iveragh peninsula, roughly following the path we’ve been walking. The road is narrow and curvy in a lot of places and it’s also populated by the occasional tour bus.

The dialogue went like this:

American Husband: Is it dangerous to drive the Ring?
Irish Bartender: No
AH: Is traffic bad?
IB: Not this time of year
AH: Should I drive it clockwise or counterclockwise?
IB: Clockwise
AH: Do I need to get an early start?
IB: (chuckle) What do you call early?
AH: 7 o’clock
IB: (Laugh) Jesus Christ, Lad. You leave by 7:00, you’ll be done by noon. You could do it twice. Now, why don’t you relax, have a couple o’ beers and just get up tomorrow and go? This ain’t DisneyWorld, it’s fookin’ Ireland.

If I make another trip to Ireland, I think I know what I'll name the blog. 


  1. Ha! That's great! Glad u overheard that one!

  2. Love the story with the bartender - love me an Irish bartender - leave it to the americans to need to do it all, immediately! classic irish response!
