Monday, May 23, 2011

Kenmare to Killarney

Last leg of the walk. 16 miles today, starting with an hour uphill right out of Kenmare. Then, over Windy Pass (aptly named), down into a valley, and over another pass into Killarney National Park. Many miles through the National Park on trails following mountain streams and waterfalls. Really beautiful. I hope the pictures capture some of it. Then, through the Muckross Estate, and into Killarney.

Killarney is, by a lot, the largest town we've been in along the walk. Because of the National Park there's a pretty large tourist orientation here. The football stadium (Gaelic football) is a block away from our B&B, and the crowd was coming down the street after a great win by Kerry over Tipperary. We were going up the street and it was a little like going the wrong way down Stonewall Street after a Panthers game. Only there were more people. And their team had won.

Had a good dinner at a pub in the old part of town, then went around the corner to another pub packed with people and playing some terrific trad Irish music. Great craic. (Gaelic, look it up.) Stayed until the band quit, and went back to the B&B, bone tired. Thirty seven hard miles over the last two days  is a good finish.

Now that the walk is over, I've got to think more about how to really describe it. Awesome is a start but not good enough. This is such a good way to really get the feel of a country.

The walk may be over, but lots more fun to come. We're off tomorrow for Kilkenney, on the way back to Dublin.


  1. Congrats guys! And enjoy the rest of the journey.

  2. Nice job on the photos. Glad to see blue sky for a change on one of your hikes
